Letters of Nothing To Anybody

in other news my friend fred has gone to that cat condo in the sky, and i'm happy for him, cos the bink was a biatch to him, but i'm sad cos he was a kickass cat. least he won't have that nasty tumor on his footyfoot anymore. i'll miss em though. he went to sleep for the last time last monday.

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aaaaand as should be expected, malygos (my wow realm, thats the last time i'm tellin ya!) went super wonky freakster like again for the billionth time, and as i was running to honor's stand there was nothing waiting to chase me around and try to bite my bony undead hinder, which was completely out of sorts.

also, i suddenly had 4 snakes following me when i should have only had one. here's the proof. it's not pudding, but it could be if you liked scales. and skanky undead chicks. that's me in the middle. defibrula, if ya care so much.

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| posted by Whatsername again....? @ 9/21/2006 04:52:00 pm |