Letters of Nothing To Anybody

ok ok ok so i know i posted this like 2 days ago or whatever, but in a massive stroke of genius...or was that just a stroke...? anyway, cos i am cleverer than the cleverest me on a good day i added a caption.

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fuck i'm witty. >.>

that oughta get me some hits. i know how many people can't tell the difference between that plain and the other plane. i know this because i game and because people also can't tell they're from their from there. and also everyone calls warlocks 'locks' and it makes me want to commit horrible hate crimes upon those who do, and some of those people are my friends. A lock is something that a rogue picks. harumph n stuff.
| posted by Whatsername again....? @ 9/23/2006 02:30:00 pm |