Letters of Nothing To Anybody

ok so who ever decided that today would be a good day for a freak snowstorm in buffalo has a sick twisted sense of humour. mum and the geezer are supposed to leave in a few hours to head for newark and then head here...i'm supposing that they'll be a bit late as there are 2 feet of white cementy snow holding things up -- or weighing things down, rather. the geezer was telling me earlier that there were pictures on the news of a huge jet upended practically because of the weight of the snow on its tail.

so i am more in shock that it snowed so much so early than i am sad that they will be held up, but whatshisname keeps telling me that they'll be here, they still have days. which is very true and from what i hear, the sun is out and shining so western new york will be treated to some flash floods in the near future.
| posted by Whatsername again....? @ 10/13/2006 07:32:00 pm |