Letters of Nothing To Anybody

well THAT lasted all of a day. good job me. way to go. *raspberries*

i can quit smoking cold turkey, that was easy.

yeah, that pretty much sums it up. think i'll go back downstairs and watch Gamera.

i had to keep this journal in highschool and our english teacher would read it. it was only supposed to be like, and english/grammar journal for book reports, how we liked this or that or the other thing but i seriously went to town on it and had like 8 different composition books full of teenage angst. i read them not too long ago and boy oh boy did i have some fucking issues. And this was like the stone age of blog, cos in the beginning the teacher would leave little post it note comments on some of the pages. fucking rad!

needless to say he stopped that after the first journal got filled up because i was some kind of fruitcake.

anyway i have a tin of chocs and more films to watch.
| posted by Whatsername again....? @ 12/03/2006 06:33:00 am |