Letters of Nothing To Anybody

Sometimes I wish I could plug this thing into my head cos I keep meaning to write down the shit I think but then I am waaaaay too busy playing Second Life and going to bed early like I just turned 100 and if I stay up past midnight I'll turn into a pumpkin or something.

We had an incredibly wasted parental unit in the house last night. Home from his office holiday partay-soiree-shindig-bingedrikathon, he came come and ate like half a jar of this 8 year old french hot chocolate mix that I had inadvertantly left out meaning to chuck in the bin but rather dragged myself to bed and left it out. He even went so far as to take it to watch golf (Zzz...oh sorry did I pass out there for a second?) and for the best part of an hour shovelled bits of it into his mouth and down the front of him.

I wish I had been awake, and I'm surprised I wasn't as he ALSO (my fault but it's retarded and hilarious) was picking up all the ancient biscuits and Tesco hot cocoa from 2005 and the latter was caked into the jar so he was out in the kitchen hammering away on the rubbish bin and Whatshisname said you could hear it down the street and it was 1am and if I had woken up I probably would have ripped his face off then smashed the jar over his head. Or else shuffled out to the kitchen and proceeded to whine. I am a professional whiner. Consider that your final warning.

I need a new layout for this blog.

Kaotix started a real blog. IT'S ABOUT TIME. I hope he doesn't neglect his as much as I do mine. But if he does it's cos he's getting famous being an artist and stuff.
| posted by Whatsername again....? @ 12/09/2006 07:53:00 am |