Letters of Nothing To Anybody

I should be showering but I really need to poop and the interbutz is way more interesting than all of the above.

Work is shit, tired of petty assholes and whiners and old people (only on wednesdays, I have a switch that I flip on for that). Tired of being nice to dicks and being a dick to people I like. It's making me not happy and I haven't had a day off since LAST MONDAY. I work in a SHOP for christ's sake. I was certain they didn't need slave labour but I am expecting the pretty chains and ankle bracelets to lock us to the cash registers to come in any day now.

I have learned to spit a total line of bullshit though. That's pretty fun.


(I have to find something else to think about...all I do is fcking complain about work. I apologise!)
| posted by Whatsername again....? @ 4/07/2009 11:37:00 am |